Day 43 - 8th May 2011, Engine rebuild almost done

The past month has been all about getting the right bits to get the engine back together, for most of the parts it’s been 19 years without replacement. Some of the hoses have gone hard and brittle, while bolts have been over torqued to a point of breaking. But a few trips to the local Subaru dealer and parting with some money fixed that problem. Again I’ve gone a little over board, the intention was to just clean the engine and replace the timing belt, but then I started reading the manual, and the manual is a very good manual. So I removed the inlet manifold, followed by the cam covers, timing belt, pulleys, idlers, cams and head, and I was left with a block. The good thing is I know how to pull it all apart.

Since it was all apart, I had the heads machined cleaned and the valves done, the block ground and measured to see what gasket to fit. After 19 years, the heads have been done a few times, and so looks like it will be new heads if it need to be done again.

Putting the engine back together was all about reading the manual and looking over picture that I’ve taken before. Following bolt torquing instructions, especially on the heads. The head gaskets I’ve used Copper Gasket Spray, and the gasket was the thickest metal gasket Subaru sell.

As the engine was undercover but still in the open, each day I would wrap the engine in cling wrap, seems to be a good way to keep the dust and bugs away.

As you pull bits apart you bag and tag everything making sure you know where things are and where they go.  But you still end up looking at photos of bolt heads trying to work out which ones goes where and what goes in that screw hole, what order to put it back together, but you get there eventually, and Subaru make it some what easy, everything is marked with R or L EX or IN.  And the bolts are of differnt sizes and marking that in the end you can't really make a mistake if your watching what your doing.

What I thought would the hardest item to install ended up being straight forward. The timing belt was all about reading the manual, and taking your time. The belt is an STI belt with marks that line up with the marks on the pulleys. With all of the idlers, water pump and belt tensioner being new the timing belt install went very well.

Part of the rebuild was also pulling the power steering pump apart and replacing all the seals.  It wasn't that easy, had a bearing that just didn't want to come off.  But after some help from Colin at work and my new 20t press I got it off, and the power steering pump back together.

A few days later the engine was together, and looking a lot better, and a lot newer inside, than what it was a few weeks back.
Some more purchases,
20t press, got the most basic press I could get.
Cool It copper II wrap and hi heat coating paint for the exhaust header, they are just bolted up lightly in the picture, I've since pull them down and will be painting and wrapping them this weekend.
From Greenline in Japan 4 new Sard 650cc injectors and covers.

This weekend I will be going to see what has happened to the car shell, its been getting a roll cage now for months, I'm in no rush, but I need to look at getting this car back together soon.